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Framework (2020)  

for orchestra    04'

1.picc.2.2.2 - - timp.perc(1):t.bells - strings



Framework consists of two layers of music: one which is slowly descending, the other ascending. in both layers voices gently enter and exit at different rates of speed, subtly changing the orchestra's color over a brief four minutes. Framework is also the first in a series of pieces for varying instrumentation which all focus on a dichotomy between chronometric and lived time.





World Premiere

01.25.24 . 7:30pm CT . Winnipeg New Music Festival Composers Institute . Manitoba Centennial Concert Hall . Winnipeg, MB . CA

*Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Julian Pellicano*
With financial support from the WSO Canadian Voice Fund, the Williamson Foundation for Music and the Manitoba Arts Council


11.30.22 . 2pm CDT . Composition Readings, Ensemble . Winspear Hall, College of Music, University of North Texas . 2100 N Interstate-35, Denton, TX . US

* University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Caleb Thompson*


2nd Place - SOCAN Foundation Young Canadian Composer Award 2023, Large Ensemble Category


Framework - Canadian Music Centre (


Framework II (2021)   

for fixed media    10'

1-screen video, 2/8-channel audio


Framework II is composed of simple electronic sounds, created by waveguide opcodes in CSound and executed by a string of code. The piece is organized into nine overlapping sections of varying length which gradually fade in and out of view. Musical events are designed to unfold in a through-composed manner and with little structural hierarchy. It is the second in a series of works for varying instrumentation.














01.30.24 . 5pm CST . Napoleon Electronic Media Festival . Black Box Theater, Doudna Fine Arts Center, Eastern Illinois University . Charleston, IL . US


European Premiere

10.29.23-10.30.23 . MANTIS Festival of Electroacoustic Music, Audiovisual Installation . Martin Harris Foyer, The University of Manchester . Bridgeford St . Manchester . UK 

03.06.23–03.09.23 . 11am - 2:30pm CEST . Performing Media Festival 2023: IQ - Wall Installation . Indiana University South Bend, 1700 E Mishawaka Ave . South Bend,  IN . US


11.20.21 . 2pm CDT . Audio Visual Frontiers: Virtual Exhibition . Hosted by The Department of Music at UC Riverside and UCR ARTS . URL


World Premiere

09.27.21 . 8pm CDT . Spectrum I . Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater, College of Music, University of North Texas . 415 Ave C, Denton, TX . US


JTTP 2023 - Audio Works . Hosted by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community . Online at



Copyright © 2018, Willyn Whiting 

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