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Surfaces (2018)   

for violin duo    04'


Surfaces is a work for two violins which I wrote mostly to challenge myself as a composer in a specific way. I wanted to create music of emotional depth out of textures and colors which have more potential for decoration. My solution was to explore silence more ambitiously and to separate the work into discrete fragments. By isolating short sections of music in time I offer the listener a method of savoring gesture and sound. The piece is intended for a small, intimate performance space.








American Premiere

04.11.22 . 8pm CDT . Spectrum III . Voertman Hall, College of Music, University of North Texas . 415 Ave C, Denton, TX . US

*Mia Detwiler and Amy Wang Hiller*


World Premiere

10.21.18 . 7pm CDT . hear here presents: Vaso String Quartet . Forest City Gallery . 258 Richmond Street, London, ON . CA

*Hua-Chu Huang,  Aysel Thagi-Zada*


Copyright © 2018, Willyn Whiting 

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