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um, ut, ur, ug (2020)   

for orchestra    08'

3(III=picc).3(III=corA).2.bcl.2.dbn - 4.3.2.btrb.1 - timp.perc(3):glsp/vib/wphone/susp.cym/tam-t/BD/gong - harp - pft - strings


These orchestral pieces are based on my four piano miniatures of the same title. The pieces were first notated by hand in a small A6 notebook and at first were intended for private performance. They are a good representation of the types of gestures which I enjoy playing in my spare time.





11.19.21 . 2pm CDT . Composition Readings, Ensemble . Winspear Performance Hall, College of Music, University of North Texas . 2100 N Interstate 35, Denton, TX . US

*University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Charles Anderson*


um, ut, ur, ug (2019)   

for piano    08'


These four pieces were written as miniatures both in duration and scope. They were first notated by hand, in a pocket manuscript book, in the summer of 2019. The final movement is unique in that is uses recorded whale song available in the public domain, as a formal model.


Um, Ut, Ur, Ug was premiered in Lawrence, Kansas at The University of Kansas, in February of 2020.









04.25.23 . 8pm CEST . Spectrum III . Voertman Hall, College of Music, University of North Texas, 415 Ave C . Denton, TX . US
*Alvin Leung*

World Premiere

02.21.20 . 5pm CDT . KU/UNT Composer Exchange Concert  . Swarthout Recital Hall, University of Kansas, School of Music . 1530 Naismith Dr, Lawrence, KS . US
ohn Kosch*

Copyright © 2018, Willyn Whiting 

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